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Say NO

Year: Setp.2018-Oct.2018

Type: Public welfare installation

Client: Owner

According to the survey, 35 of every 100 students in the school have suffered from different degrees of school violence. And such events often happen in junior and senior high schools, which is particularly cruel for teenagers who are forming a world outlook and outlook on life and will have different degrees of impact on their physical and mental as well as future personality. The purpose of this project is to let the visitors feel the helplessness of the victims and tell the victims that there are many ways to get out of such trauma. The world is still beautiful and bright.

Design concept

In the school violence, the school n e e d s to u n d e r s t a n d t h a t encouraging the behaviour of no matter asking in the school violence will make more students feel that the collective interests can be sacrificed, and the self-centred idea will become more and more serious. In school violence, no one should feel powerless. The best way is to help the bystanders understand the state of mind of the victims.

Handmade 3D model

邱乙岚2019室内设计作品集20页版(金斯顿 诺丁汉特伦特 伦艺 创意艺术_17.png

Overall view of the project

public welfare installation.png

One-sided see-through glass is used for the exterior of the project

“Repressive world”




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